Google cracks down on SEO spam in search results

Jean Gilles
2 Min Read

Google is cleaning the house on SEO spam. In response to concerns about declining search quality, Google is refining its algorithms to eliminate low-quality and machine-generated content better. These updates, expected in May, aim to keep irrelevant and uninformative content out of search results. Notably, Google is improving its ability to detect and remove increasingly sophisticated AI-generated content that can be difficult to identify.

Building upon the success of its 2022 update that targeted unhelpful and unoriginal content, Google is implementing further refinements to its search algorithm. These improvements aim to significantly increase the visibility of high-quality and informative websites in search results. Google estimates that this new revision will lead to a 40% reduction in spammy and unoriginal content combined with the previous update.

Google emphasizes combating large-scale content abuse, including AI-generated SEO spam. The company details its efforts to tackle the rising issue of websites automatically producing low-quality content and address established methods of human-generated spam.

The update will also address the issue of reputable websites hosting low-quality content from external sources solely to leverage the site’s established reputation. Google cites the example of an educational website hosting a third-party review of payday loans.

Additionally, Google aims to eliminate the practice of purchasing and repurposing expired domains to host low-quality content designed to attract clicks. These websites will be identified and treated as spam. Website owners have two months, until May 5th, to adjust their content and practices to comply with the upcoming search engine changes.

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